Tuesday 18 June 2013

Raila vs all African head of state.Cant Africans have Raila lead the continent to caanan?

Raila has never rigged any kind of election, he concede defeat even if they steal his democratic win.

Raila is the father of justice and democracy.Zimbabwe copied Raila's constitution.and power sharing deal.
Raila is the first kenyan and African to nominate Albino(person with disability) as member of parliament (MP)in his political party.

Raila is the first person to have an Asian MP in his kisumu backyard.

Raila has never been involved in any corruption or scandal.

Raila convinced British Government for Kenya mau-mau to be compensated.

Raila has serve in volatile government where tribalism rule but never gave up.

Raila has never been in support of nepotism, tribalism or corruption.

Raila is down to earth,very kind and socializing,he never think of revenge to those who accused him falsely.

Raila is the super brain behind Thika super high way, though kibaki took the credit through backdoor.

Raila has traveled across the world searching for funds that propelled Kenya's to its current status economically.

Raila is a Luo, but him as a none tribal Hero made Kibaki become Kenya's 3rd president by saying the famous word: "kibaki tosha" meaning (kibaki is enough) But to date no single kikuyu women or men,dead, embryo ,alive or even the infants has ever appreciate Raila.

Raila has not only twice,but repeatedly indicated to the entire world how he can unite all Kenya irrespective of their tribes,background,and past sad history.

Now name any African head of state and see whether the word BLOOD-SHED is not in one way or another linked to he/she, whether the word corruption,tribalism,rigging. its only less than 4 African head state with positive and clean History.

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